Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Move For Health


Me and my friend visited @america on the 19th of April 2018, by train and continued to board the busway @ america is the US curtural center located on the 3rd floor of Pacific Place, SCBD, Jakarta. @america was officially established in December 2010 with the aim of introducing the United States of open discussion, short perfomances, debates, competitions, and exhibitions.Although it is the center of restrictions of other countries and is part of the US Embassy program, @america provides an opportunity for the Indonesian community and community speakers to communities coming to the United States. @america is a nice and unique place to have a discussion so that we as visitors are very comfortable while there.

When we want to enter the discussion room of our luggage in check first and submit our identity card. after everything is finished we are welcome to enter the room. Coincidentally when we visited @America there was a discussion organized by Atmajaya University that discussed about health. The following is the material presented in that discussion.

Theme                   :  Revolution Impact
Motto                     :  The key to state development is good public health
Presenters              :  Kidung Pramadita
Title Of discussion : Move For Health
Health outline is divided into 3 parts namely mental health, social, physical.
Mental health include:
1. Pray
 All activities that will be done must begin by praying that everything feels lighter.

2. Remember the purpose of life
Of course we must always remember the purpose of life so that all activities yag we have done will not be futile and planned in accordance with the purpose of our lives.

3. Motivate yourself
Who must not forget to always motivate ourselves so that we are always excited and energetic in doing all our activities and efforts.

4. Think positively
Always think positive in doing everything, in order to have a good impact also on ourselves.

5. Measure time
Point to measure time in doing all the activities to be more disciplined and more respect the time.

6. Get enough sleep
Of course we also have to get enough sleep, with a good intake of good intake and regular bedtime so that our body is always well preserved.

7. Do a hobby
Do the things or hobbies you like in your spare time to keep your mind and soul healthy.

8. Meditate
Sometimes we also need to meditate with ourselves, to control our souls and minds in a better direction.

9. Be honest
So that our hearts and hearts stay healthy we must always be honest to others and ourselves so that our thoughts and our lives always flow positive.

10. Be grateful
certainly should not forget in our mental health should be thankful for what we've got today yesterday and so on.

11. Accept yourself
However we have to accept ourselves and feel enough for what God has given and given to us.

Physical health includes:
1.     1. Sports
Of course we should always exercise regularly with enough potions, to keep your body to stay healthy.

2. Drinking water
Water helps our bodies to replenish the wasted fluids and replace them with new ones so our bodies become healthier.

3. Rest
Of course our body also needs to be rested after a lot of activities that drain power, so we still have a better energy to do the next activity.

4. Consider the pattern of life
We have been blessed by a healthy body of God then we must menajaganya by setting a healthy lifestyle as well.

5. Keep yourself clean
Of course we must maintain personal hygiene so that all intake and activities that we do have a good impact on our bodies.

Social health includes:
1. Environmentally sensitive
Do not just ourselves who always do positive things but also around our environment must also be positive which will certainly have a good impact on our lives and others.

2. Understand the perceptions of others
Besides we have to respect ourselves, we also must always appreciate all opinions and perceptions from others around us.

3. Willing to sacrifice
In other contexts we must be willing to sacrifice the time of money or anything with a purpose that is certainly good for ourselves and others.

4. Friendly
We must always be friendly to anyone so that people around us are also good to us even willing to help us if we are in trouble.

5. Always say sorry and thank you
Since our parents parents have taught us good things, when we are wrong we are not ashamed to say sorry and say thank you for what God has given us or others to give us.

The conclusion of the discussion that I have followed is that healthy starts from me and to move for health we must pay attention to 3 aspects of health.
Healthy not only from what we eat but from what we say and listen to.

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